Next step
How to register for the World Santa Claus Congress 2011.
Send an e-mail to [email protected] or [email protected] in English or one of the Scandinavian languages and briefly describe yourself and your work as Santa. Do attach a couple of photos of yourself working as Santa. Remember to include the following contact information: Name, address, city, country, e-mail (important), age and number of years you have works as Santa. If you are a member of a Santa Claus guild, please include the name and contact information for this guild.
If we believe you meet the criteria for participation, we will send you an e-mail with an official invitation. This invitation will also contain your password and login for this site so that you will subsequently be able to complete your registration for the World Santa Claus Congress – as well as information about payment procedures.
You register yourself (and any accompanying persons) on this site and provide all the required information about your participation and accommodation.
We confirm your registration.
NOTE: Please write your e-mails in English or in a Scandinavian language and they will be answered in English (in Danish for Scandinavian Santas). When you have registered with us and have received your login, all further communication on the site will also take place in English.
Bakken reserves the right to reject persons whom we believe, for whatever reason, are not suitable for participation in the World Santa Claus Congress.
