What does it cost to participate in the World Santa Claus Congress?
Participation in the World Santa Claus Congress is free.
Participants should, however, pay for their own travel expenses, accommodation and food (but see below).
The following special prices at the Hotel Marina in Vedbaek are available to Santas coming from abroad and to Danish Santas living far from Bakken:
Saturday, 20 July DKK 750 per room
Sunday, 21 July DKK 350 per person in shared double room
Monday, 22 July DKK 350 per person in shared double room
Tuesday, 23 July DKK 350 per person in shared double room
Wednes., 24 July DKK 350 per person in shared double room
Thursday, 25 July DKK 750 per room
Payment for accommodation on the above mentioned dates has to be made to Bakken.
Price for single room: DKK 750.
Additional bed for third person (only children) in the same room: DKK 150 per person per night.
Prices apply to reservation and payment before 24 May 2013.
Prices include breakfast and parking in the hotel car park (subject to availability).
Booking of Hotel Marina takes place via Bakken after receipt of participation confirmation.
In 2013 the following meals are included in the World Santa Claus Congress:
Monday, 22 July
Breakfast on registration
Lunch at Copenhagen City Hall
Tuesday, 23 July
Dinner, Restaurant Hvide Hest
Wednesday, 24 July
Dinner, La Casa
Civilians cannot participate in the World Santa Claus Congress programme, but they are welcome to participate in the dinner held on Tuesday and Wednesday night.
Price for civilians participating in the dinner: DKK 200 per day.
On the evening of Monday, 22 July a ‘Santa Workshop’ will be held at the Hotel Marina. Participation is voluntary. Registration must take place at the same time as registration for the World Santa Claus Congress itself (limited capacity, max. 150 participants – on a first-come-first-served basis). Participant fee: DKK 50 per person.
The price includes evening buffet incl. drinks at the Marriott Hotel before the workshop.
The workshop is reserved for participating Santas and Christmas pixies and elves.
